Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I found this on another blog and just had to show it ^^
It's funny what people do when they are bored(and this person was obviously bored when he/she(there are no sexists on this blog!) came up with the idea do do that ^^)

Hm.. today a part of the Spanish A1 Class, acted a part of the play"La casa de Bernarda Alba(Bernarda Alba's House"). It's about the Mother,Bernarda,who lives as widow with her five daughter in a house. There is a lot of jealousy between the sister,because they are in love with the same guy. I'ts pretty good,thought.
Adriana,a girl from 11th, played Bernarda.. She is not very popular,and when she entered the stage,everyone..but really EVERYONE started to laugh.. It was just too funny..*lol*

God.. today at 6 I went to Daniela's House to study Math. But we didn't even bother to open our books(or even take them out of our bags ^^").. We just started talking about a lot of stuff..
And that a lot of things at school annoy the hell out of us..
Because it is a private school,the rules are very strict,but I think they are exaggerating a bit lately.
The dress code get's stricter and stricter. Before,we were allowed to come with the PE uniform to school if we had PE. Now(/and thanks to Mr. Corcoran,our fucking History teacher), we have to come with the normal dress code ,change for PE and after PE we have to change again.
That makes NO sense at all!
God. I hate it..
Or Mrs. Paola (she is the secondary cordinator),called Robins(a 9th grade girl) mother, because she kissed her boyfriend at school. WTF??
I mean, is it bad to kiss someone at school? But anyway, her mother told Mrs. Paola,that she should stay out of it..hehe.. I mean.. they are not smoking at school or drinking(ok.. at least noone catches them smoking XD),so why can't they express their feelings towards each other at school?
"Because the little ones will ask what they are doing."
What excuse it that?
Gr... she really needs to get laid. Seriously.

But anyway.. everyone is getting on my nerves lately.
And it's not different with other people. Daniela is also pissed of at everyone.
And the rest of the class. And the whole school.
It just sucks to see each other at least 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. And with all the social problems at school,the stress and the fear of the exams,ste stupid rules.. it's just too much..
We need a break - we need vacations.
But vacations start December,15. So more than a month..
Fuck it.

And next week the Friendship games start in Cochabamba.
We have a Boys and a Girls Soccer Team and the same in Volley.

I'm in the Girls Soccer Team and I think we really would have chances to win.
But the biggest problem is,that if we make on mistake,the whole team get's more nervous and we make even more mistakes!
I don't want to brag(I'll do it anyway :P), but I'm one of the best players of the team.
So is Robin. And we are both playing defense.
Rocio is also a exelent player. And she plays middlefield.
So.Who should make the goals?
Flavia is in attack and so is Yanina.
But Flavia hasn't enough practice(It's her first year), and Yanina is playing dreadful lately. It's a shame.
So we play defense.
But how are we supposed to win that way?
Majo is fast,but she has no direction kicking the ball and isn't strong enough.
Natascha hasn't enough practice... and Evelyn? She is not fast enough I think.(God..i still hate her... HATE her... grrrrrrrrr). Leaves us with Natalie. But her position is also middlefield.. Hm...
A possibily would be,to put Natalie in the attack and Daniela in middlefield. She plays to much with the field in the area,so defense wouldn't be to intelligent. And in attack.. she is not fast enough for that position. The problem is,that playing middlefield,you have to run A LOT!
Hm... god.. I don't know what to do.. I really want to win ;___;

The boys team is really good thought. And their star is and will always be Paulo(ok.until he graduates XD). He wasn't able to participate in the Last Friendship games in Santa Cruz, because he had a couple of F's, and you weren't supposed to have even one...
The same happened with Vlady.. who is also an excelent player.

Vlady has not a single F,so he will be able to play.
But Paulo has one in Math.. and he has only one chance to get a D...
And this is the Quiz on Friday.

For the sake of the soccerteam and the whole school, me and Daniela decided to help him out( We're going to teach him math well enough to pass the exam with a C or a B ..
God.. we just NEED him on the team.
It is just unbelievable how good he plays..


I think i wrote enough for
See you soon.

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