Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm so bored right now. Just can't help it. My dad and my mum left today in the morning without telling me where they are going. On one hand I'm glad,because I can use the computer without being bugged every few minutes by them, but on the other hand there no food in this house and I'm damn hungry.

I'm still on my Placebo Trip XD
I just love the Band and Brian Molko's voice is just irresistible <3


Oh, my dad came
He's with my uncle in the living room.

God,I have so much homework to do,but I'm simply to lazy to start doing it.
Its a whole bunch for Spanish,a lab for Biology and at least 5 pages for Math >__<
God..why I'm such a lazy person?
Instead of hanging in front on the computer I could start working,but I know myself pretty good.
I will start doing it after dinner and I'll finish at midnight -.-"

I'm so bored here..

Daniela left to La Paz to visit her sister.. clue what she is up to...
and Vlady is at home.
But i don't think he'll be able to hang around today,because he's going to move in with his dad today.

Life sucks.

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