Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Another reason to be pissed of.
I wrote a DAMN LONG entry,and then I closed the window per accident.
God,I'm so stupid.

And not being able to play in the Friendship Games sucks.
And having a C+ in Math sucks.
And having a cast sucks A LOT.
And not being able to tell a certain person something because I'm a fucking chicken is BAD!!
And having a Biology Exam tomorrow pissed me off!!
And moving from the city to this fucking house get's on my nerves.
And not being able to take the green bus anymore sucks.
And feeling so confused is terrible.
And being so insecure makes me sick!
And missing my friends in Austria is just aweful!
And knowing that I have to leave my friends in Bolivia behind in 7 month is just horrible...

Arg.. it's just aweful,terrible,horrible,sickening,sucking and all of them together!!!!

And NO,I don't care about grammatical or spelling mistakes,ok? <___<>
Hihi...i really changed quite a bit.

In Austria I didn't care too much about my grades and I wasn't very interested in football either.
now I'm REALLY concerned about my grades and I just LOVE playing football very deeply.
I can't snowboard here, so I need some other sport.
Volley is just stupid and I'm to small for Basketball.
So soccer is just perfect to me.
And it is SO MUCH fun.
I swear..hehe.
There is nothing better after a hard and annoying schoolday to change your clothes,put your soccer shirt and your shorts on and play football!
When I come bakc to Austria I want to keep playing.Maybe I'll join some soocer club in Linz or Vienna. :)

Hm..anyway.. Whoever reads all that crap(Eva? Lisi? XD).. I'm thinking about staying in Bolivia.
Not for ever.
Not even a year.
But maybe a month more.
Or two.
So i'll come back in August.

I just..
I hated Bolivia at first and you all know that.
But I'm living here now for more than a year.
And I love this country.
With all those weird,freakish,funny and caring people here.

I'm just not ready to leave them behind.
Because probably I'll never see them again.
They became part of my daily life.

Daniela,Rocio,Kathia,Vlady,Danny Yankee,Sue,Andrea,Robin,Jessica,Elodie,Matheo,Mayara,Natascha,Jorge,Claure,Paulo,

all those people care for me.
And so do I.

And it breaks my heart to think about leaving them behind.
Just like it nearly killed me to leave all the people in Austria behind.

So I'll lose either way.

If I go back to Austria,I'll miss everyone in Bolivia.
If I stay here.. I'll miss you guys over there =/

What I'm supposed to do?

My plan when I came here,was not to grow to attached to the people here,so I won't suffer.
But it happened.
I got friends here.
Friends a value as much as the ones in Austria...

What should I do?



Math: C+

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