Saturday, November 25, 2006

Post vom 21/11/06
The Vines - Outtathaway!

God.Im so fucking damn tired(hm.I tend to swear a lot when I'm tired. I mean,i swear all the time,but if I'm tired it is even worse!)
Hm.. anyway.
I ought to have 3 exams today,but after all i was "lucky" and just had 2.Math was a mess.. Oh god.. It remembered me of my times at Körnerschool..(and that is not good AT ALL!!).
Hm.. over the free days I'm going to study math like mad in order to be prepared for the next exam.
History wasn't that bad. I think I'll get a pretty good grade :P
The third exam should have been Biology,but Miss Jackie decided to work on our recycling project instead.
Hm.. fuck.I did nothing so far for my project XD(OK. the reason could be that I'm in a group with Daniela Montalvo. And both of us are just crazy and lazy freaks lol).
So I would have prefered the Exam.By anyway,I won't deal with Miss Jackie until next Tuesday,because tomorrow is the WALKATHON!
Our school does that every year in order to get money for orphans and stuff.We'll meet tomorrow morning at the country club and then we have to run for about 2 hours I think.For every km we get a certain amount of money. And with about 180 Students participating,I think we'll get enough money to pay for all the orphans from Community Service.
HeheThursday and Friday we won't have school because of Thanksgiving ;)
I can just say"thank you"!
I talked with a certain person(Eva,you know who I mean).and it turned out ok after all.
I feel so relieved.
Hm..I was really scared..
Anyway..I'll have a smoke : )
(yeah yeah. I know I'm gonna die of lungcancer :P )

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